- By percentage of marks in qualifying Exam
- Written Test
- Interview
- Any other
By percentage of marks in qualifying Exam
Name of Trade Duration of Training Eligibility Qualification
Fitter 2 Years HSc or above
Electrician 2 Years HSc or above
Candidate having minimum age of 14 years and above as on 1.8.2016 shall be eligible to seek admission in the ITI.
Standard of Physical Fitness:
No rigid standards are laid down but candidates seeking admission should be physically fit for the work for which they are to be trained, and candidates if selected for admission shall produce Medical Certificate to that effect from Registered Medical Practitioner.
Submission of Application Form
The Application Form should be filled in capital letters with all required information. In support of eligibility for being considered for admission, candidate shall be required to do the following:
- Fill up the Admission Form attached with Prospectus and submit the same in the office.
- Six recent passport size photograph should be submitted along with the filled in application form.
- Two Gate pass size photos for Identity card and library card.
- Write full name of the candidate & form number at the back of the photograph before submitting the same.
- Xerox copy of the Matriculation (10th) Marks sheet and certificate, Caste certificate etc.
Note :
Original Certificate will be required for verification at the time of admission. A candidate will be disqualified for the course, if the proof of the Minimum Educational Criteria does not meet the specifications for that particular course.